Rock Paper Shotgun Ace of Spades Feed

Have I got your attention? Then I'll begin. Ace of Spades is a freeware, multiplayer Minecraft-alike that takes Minecraft's cuboid building mechanics and drapes a World War 1 setting on top of it, with the end result being a huge, immersive, dynamic game of capture the flag.

On the one hand, you've got two teams of sixteen exchanging rifle fire and grenades, trying to push forward and outflank one another. On the other hand, both teams are trying to improve their position by building bunkers, bridges and tunnels. If you want to give it a shot you'll find the game here and a guide to playing it here. If not, then I've assembled ten reasons why you should reconsider your position after the jump. I want to stand up and high-five RPS reader David Lake for sending this in, but alas, this is the internet. What a shame.

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